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Weeknotes: 2024.01.08-2024.01.14

Finished a second week of the LIFTOFF program, with steady progression so far. A major wind storm kept us up overnight form Tuesday through Wednesday, so I shifted my lifting schedule a day to workout on Thursday instead. Key to any habit is recovery from disruption. Now I have one under my belt. The storm took down a beautiful spruce in our front yard, one which I enjoyed looking at out the front window.

Weeknotes: 2023.12.31-2024.01.07

I started the LIFTOFF: Couch to Barbell program this week. I skipped forward to phase 3 (past bodyweights and dumb bells), since I’m already comfortable with a 45 pound barbell. It feels good so far. I’ve found an excellent gym just down the street from my daughter’s daycare, so it’s easy to just extend my morning drop-off routine to zip over and do a workout. So far, the most difficult thing has been trying to hit the recommended one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Chrys Krycho, on the business world’s uncritical stance towards revealed preference.

Unfortunately, though, many people operating from that economic frame go beyond simply observing the difference in stated preference and actual behavior. They make our “revealed preferences” normative. This is dangerous nonsense. It leads companies to ignore what users say they want in favor of what they “reveal” they want even if the latter is simply bad. And why? Because our revealed preferences are often maximally consumptive, maximally corruptible — and therefore maximally easy to abuse in the pursuit of power, wealth, or both.

“People click on these ads, therefore they must like them.” 🖕🏻

Much of the work we describe as “growing up” is learning to exercise self-control, that is: to reject what our revealed preferences show our natural inclinations to be.

George Saunders, in Story Club:

The whole idea – and this is true of crazy, experimental stories as well – is that, on the other end of the creative process is a human being not entirely unlike yourself, who has chosen to spend some number of her precious hours on this earth shaping and sculpting the story you’re reading.  Therefore, it must mean something, something important.

Things I read while a puppy nipped at my toes

My family adopted a puppy and are thrust back into what feels effectively like edge-of-the-seat newborn parenting. When I’m not taking her outside to pee, she’s trying to chew on my feet. It’s frustrating, but also a long-term bet that I am highly confident will pay off in years of love and the impetus to walk, live in the movement, and be joyful. Other projects are somewhat on hold at the moment, but at least I’m getting a lot of reading done.

Robustness principle in all things

If you are at all technically inclined, the Tailscale blog is a great joy to read. I try to cultivate and attitude of bemused fatalism about the state of technology as a survival mechanism and the folks at Tailscale strike that tone very well. Things are complicated. The social and commercial effects of computer networks outran the standards. Besides, no matter how well the standards are designed, there are going to be some engineers / companies that just don’t give a shit and will stop thinking about the problem as soon as they get something half-ass working.