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Sunrise Over the Context for a Pause

My family is on a weekend trip at an AirBnB not far from our home, but distant and remote enough to act as a forcing function for being deliberate about what we bring and our activities.

With two kids, that’s still fairly maximalist by many standards. Much LEGO has come along for the ride.


Benjamin Ross Hoffman’s post “Sabbath hard and go home” came up in my Readwise review this morning, well-timed for the day that stretches ahead.

So instead, I mostly kept my phone turned off. Very quickly, I started being able to think about aspects of my situation that had been too overwhelming, too in motion, to get leverage on the day before. Because I wasn’t dealing with them. I wasn’t keeping up with anything. I was just present, where I was. I wished I’d done this years ago.

A lot has happened in the last three months and a great deal more is latent and will unfold in those to come. In the northeastern U.S., we have the privilege of a pause. Time for Airplane Mode (at least for today) and to build capacity to face what’s next.